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Hub for Aroostook County news from the Crown of Maine and down. Covering from the St. John Valley through the greater Caribou, Presque Isle and Houlton regions.
Our Offices:
23 Court Street • Box 456
Houlton, ME 04730
Phone & Fax: 207-532-2281
Presque Isle
260 Missile Street • Box 510
Presque Isle, ME 04769
Phone & Fax: 207-768-5431
328 Main Street., Suite 102
Madawaska, ME 04756
Phone & Fax: 207-728-3336
Address: 260 Missile Street, P.O. Box 510
Presque Isle, ME 04769
Tel No: (207) 764-4471
Toll Free in Maine: 800-924-9041
Fax: (207) 764-4499
Email: printworks@nepublish.com
Letters to the Editor Policy
Our publications welcome Letters to the Editor. Preference is given to letters of immediate local concern. Comments should be civil and respectful without name-calling or abusive content. Letters must be no more than 350 words. Please include your name and town of residence for publication, as well as a contact phone number and/or email. Anonymous or third-party letters will not be accepted. The editorial staff reserves the right to decline submissions, to edit content for accuracy, clarity, grammar and libel, and to limit publication frequency to once per month to allow fair use of our limited space. Submit by email to: nepletters@nepublish.com
The County welcomes welcome news tips, story ideas, press releases and community news submissions. All items submitted for publication for any/all publications must be the property of the person submitting the item, or written permission from the copyright holder must be provided. Send your submissions to story@thecounty.me.
To Reach Us By Email
Charlie Eichacker (ceichacker@bangordailynews.com)
Paula Brewer (pbrewer@bangordailynews.com)
Presque Isle and Caribou region: Paula Brewer (pbrewer@bangordailynews.com)
Houlton region: Kathleen Phalen Tomaselli (ktomaselli@bangordailynews.com)
St. John Valley region: Chris Bouchard (cbouchard@bangordailynews.com)
Sports Coverage: countysports@nepublish.com
Letters to the Editor: nepletters@nepublish.com
Inquire about digital advertising or print in any or all newspapers: adsales@thecounty.me
Or contact your local Media Sales Consultant:
Aroostook Republican & News or The Star-Herald: Scott Galipeau, 207-768-5442 or sgalipeau@bangordailynews.com
Houlton Pioneer Times: Laurie Cates, 207-745-2419 or lcates@bangordailynews.com
St. John Valley Times: Scott Galipeau, 207-768-5442 or sgalipeau@bangordailynews.com
OBITUARIES: For all publications, please email obituaries@bangordailynews.com Please specify the publication you are requesting.
Aroostook Republican or The Star-Herald: Breanna Maples, 207-764-4471 or bmaples@bangordailynews.com
Houlton Pioneer Times: Breanna Maples, 207-532-2281 or bmaples@bangordailynews.com
St. John Valley Times: Linda Pelletier, 207-728-3336 or lpelletier@sjvalley-times.com
Stuart Hedstrom (shedstrom@bangordailynews.com)