AREA resumes summer luncheon meetings

4 years ago

LITTLETON, Maine — The Aroostook Retired Educators Association held the traditional first summer meeting on July 27 at the Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum in Littleton.  

A turkey dinner with all the fixings, including the famous homemade pies, was served to over 80 members and guests.

The program featured three guest speakers, Gary McGrane, incoming president of Maine Education Association-Retired, Sharon Beaulieu of Maine Education Association Benefits Trust, and Rep. David McCrea.  

McCrea discussed the 5 percent increase in the state’s  share of retirees’ insurance and invited folks to contact him with any concerns.  

McGrane stressed the importance of keeping the membership active and involved.  

Beaulieu discussed the increase in educator retirements. She stated that the house calls and postcards members receive from Medicare Advantage are legitimate.  The MEA Benefits Trust website features information and forms.

Diane Parent reported that that the group met its membership goal for last year.  Janet Wood reported that the recipients of the Bulging Backpack project will be the Houlton Elementary schools.  The collection at this meeting was outstanding.  

The AREA board members will meet to discuss a plan to assist the Frenchville teachers following the fire at the Dr. Levesque Elementary School.

Bob White, Diane Parent and Janet Wood conducted the Remembrance Program.  A moment of silence was observed, followed by readings by Diane and Janet.  The memorial centerpiece was won by Rae Bates and the raffle was won by Susan Bushey. 

 Several members have received awards.  Bob White was presented an award for state level pre-retirement commitment. Diane Parent and Donna Hurley were recognized for 2020 and 2021 leadership, and Rena Kearney earned an award for service to Rotary and the community. 

The August meeting will be held at the Lakeview Restaurant in St. Agatha on Aug. 31.